So I have this pair of glasses that I bought purely because it was cheap and I wanted something so horrifically ugly that I knew I could pull off. Well, I'd wear them every now and then as a last resort but recently, I lost ALL of my prescription glasses except for the fugly ones. That being said, I ran out of contacts so I had to wear the fugly ones for awhile. Anyway, I've only been able to find one outfit in which the glasses work really well with the outfit! I wore the black boatneck dress Ali made with grey ruffly trim, black leggings, black flats, glasses, and this soft beanie from the Gap by Helen. The beanie never looked good on me but since I have short hair now, I tried tucking all of my hair into the hat, wore the glasses, and in my opinion looked pretty dang fly. Now, the rest of the days NOT SO MUCH! I am wearing business-professional-esque clothes, not hipster, trendy ones in which the glasses add, not subtract.
So I took a look at these girls- how the heck did they manage to pull them off so effortlessly?!?! I guess I need to step up my game! I think the Asian girl looks especially awesome with the funky blue skirt paired with neutrals with bright pink lips. That. Is. Totally. Doable. Alright, no more scared-ness, I'm going to try this combo.
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